Restoration Aftercare Center
A safe place to create multi-generational impact by reuniting mothers with children, lifting, and strengthening women through literacy, self-reliance, family skills, and vocational training.
FMF currently operates 1 survivor aftercare facility in Africa, but we have BIG PLANS, as we are receiving regular requests for more from our rescue partners!
Why Aftercare is Needed
Many women leave their family (including children) to find work abroad in hopes of sending money back for them. They unknowingly fall prey to disreputable "employment agencies" who serve as fronts for human trafficking operations.
While abroad, their passports are confiscated, and they are trapped in horrible and dangerous situations until many of them run away for their lives. This leaves them even more vulnerable as they attempt to survive on the street without being caught (without proper documents) and imprisoned.
Once the lucky ones are found (usually, in prison), arrangements are made by our rescue partners to repatriate them (return them to their home countries). Unfortunately, they usually return worse off than when they left, with still no skills to provide for their future, severe and chronic illnesses, and stigma. Many of them are rejected by their families.
At the the Restoraction Center, a mother is reunited with her children; is given vital literacy, vocational, and business skills; and receives 1-on-1 mentoring to get back on her feet and begin the healing process. Here, the women and children rescued from trafficking begin their aftercare journey in a safe and secure environment, overseen by licensed social workers and therapists, putting them on their road to recovery.
How You Can Help
Our first Restoration Center is now fully operational, and we could not be more delighted with the results, thanks to YOU! We are now ready to expand our FMF aftercare program to serve more survivors in other locations. Your donations provide the funds we need to build these centers!
Donations also help us employ the 40+ local tradesmen to do the construction and renovation at each center. The men have an opportunity to provide for their families and enhance their skills. This also stimulates the local economy and promotes in-country growth.

What we're missing... is YOU!
Even small donations can go a long way. All donations are fully tax-deductible.