June 23 - July 7, 2024 - Kenya


Combine the best of both tourism and humanitarian work.  Join the Expedition for the African trip of a lifetime.

cost$3,500.00 + air travel
team leadsJerilyn Brown

Kenya trip with Jerilyn and Shirley

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Ghana does not have a safari option. Though we do visit the Boabeng-Fiema Monkey Sanctuary in northern Ghana. For an authentic safari, we have a Kenya trip once a year.  That expedition to Kenya does have a safari option.  However, it is more expensive because of the long flight, hotel, and safari costs.

Yes.  Ghana and Kenya are peaceful countries.  You will see more police than you are used to in the USA, but a strong visible police presence is how it is done there.  You will be staying in locations that are safe with good security measures.  We ensure that the group stays together with our team leads and our local guides.

Be flexible.  Or prepare yourself to be flexible.  Be prepared to let go of your preconceived ideas of how things should be.  Africa has its own rhythm and time frame.  Listen and let go.  That's probably not the answer you were expecting to this question.  But we want to be clear that this experience is unlike anything you will ever have. This is not an American tourism experience of Africa, this is a truly authentic African experience.

What you were probably expecting as an answer to this question is:

Interview with the Expedition manager, $750 non-refundable deposit, payment of expedition fee to FMF, all other pre-travel checklists given to you by our Expedition Director through the website, and attending an online LifeStory Transformation workshop.

No, but all fees must be paid 2 weeks prior to departure so we can prepare for your arrival. You may choose to make payments instead of paying a lump sum fee. Though if you pay the lump sum, there is a $200 discount.

Families have come with children as young as 6 years old.  Any children (17 or under) must be accompanied by a parent.  We have had adults up to 70 come on an expedition.  Though the car travel combined with the poor road conditions can be difficult for aging more experienced bodies.

Each expedition is tailor-fit for your team's unique talents and abilities.  Our Expedition Director matches your gifts with the needs of the locations where we serve.  This can include:

  • Reading and playing educational games at 1-2 of our Literacy Centers
  • Doing a small project at the Family Restoration Center
  • Teaching about basic first aid, hygiene, water, menstrual health, goal setting, music, art, basic finances/budgeting,
  • Visiting a local clinic/hospital or school
  • Gardening
  • Visit a nearby sanctuary or forest

Team members will have the opportunity to eat two traditional Ghana meals on our visit to Asaam and Boabeng-Fiema.  If you are unable to eat Ghanaian food (or have concerns), please bring your own freeze-dried meals for those 2 days. On the other days while in Ghana you will be eating American-type foods you are used to:

Breakfast:  cornflakes, eggs, toast, fresh fruit, hash browns

Lunch:  sandwiches, fresh fruit

Dinner:  rice, veggies, spaghetti, pizza, casseroles, chicken

Filtered water will be provided for drinking, and brushing your teeth.  Do NOT drink the tap water.  The locals can drink it, but American digestive tracts cannot handle it.

There are many shots suggested by the CDC.  To enter the country the only required vaccine is the Yellow Fever vaccine.  The best place to get the Yellow Fever shot is at your local health department ($150-200).  Get your shot ASAP since you have to submit the vaccine card with your visa application.  Plan accordingly!  The good news is the Yellow Fever shot is a lifetime immunization.

The Typhoid Fever vaccine is suggested, but not required. 

Mosquitoes also carry malaria.  They are more prevalent in the rainy season (April-November).  You can bring malaria medicine and citronella essential oils.  Some members of our teams have not done well with malaria medicine and have opted for alternative treatments.  We use fans at night and diffusers with citronella oil.  You can also use DEET (3 oz bottles or less). Remember the TSA rules for carry-on luggage.

What about COVID immunization?  See more detailed info "What about COVID-19 vaccines?"

This changes frequently. Ghana's COVID travel requirements Updated February 1, 2023 : (Reference)

  1. Fully vaccinated?
    • travelers are not required to take a PCR test to be allowed entry into Ghana.
    • Not required to undergo an Antigen test upon arrival in Ghana.
    • Definition of fully vaccinated:
      • Two (2) doses of AstraZeneca, Pfizer, Moderna or Sputnik V 
      • One (1) dose is required for Johnson and Johnson
  2. Non-Fully vaccinated?
    • Negative PCR test 48 hours prior to your USA departure to show the airlines before boarding.
    • Undergo a Ghana antigen test you will take upon arrival in Ghana at no charge.
    • Authorities in Ghana would work with pregnant women, minors, or people requesting an exemption on the basis of medical, health, religious and/or other reasons so long as they can provide documentary evidence to support reasons for being exempt from taking the vaccine.

Food, on-ground transportation, project costs, expedition team leaders, entrance fees. The expedition fee depends on the trip you decide to take. Click on each expedition to see the cost. There are other costs that are listed under "What other expenses are not included in my expedition fee?"

Other costs: 

What Amount Details Pro-tip
Airline ticket $1900 This is the average ticket price. Sometimes you can find a cheap $1000 flight, but those are often canceled and will cause you heartburn. Note: We do not book your ticket for you because people prefer to use certain airlines or use points, etc.  The sweet spot of the best-priced flights are purchased around 60 days in advance. This changes depending on the season. Read more here for details. Plane tickets are higher May-August (summer) & December.  
Travel Insurance $350 optional. Depends on your threshold for uncertainty. Some credit cards have travel insurance already included as part of your annual fee. Check your card issuer for details.
passport & visa photos $15-20  

Only 1 photo is needed for the visa application 

Passport $150 If you do not already have one, it takes 14 weeks of standard processing time Ensure your passport does not expire within 6 months of your travel to Ghana or your Visa application will be denied. (Spoken from experience.)
Visa (required) $100 15-20 business days for standard processing.
Or $200 for expedited processing.
Choose multiple entry. If you are putting forth all this effort to get a visa, might as well get as much bang for your buck!
UPS/FedEx shipping to/from Consulate for Visa $40-60 3-day shipping one way Pre-pay for the return shipping on the Ghana Embassy/consulate website
Yellow Fever shot $170 Required. Get at your County Health Dept. Get ASAP. The vaccine card is required to submit with your Visa application. Vaccines given prior to Yellow Fever vaccine may result in a 30-day wait before Yellow Fever vaccine can be given. 
Meals at airports $50 Meals at airports  
subtotal $2000 - 2500  (Depending if you already have passport, YF,  no travel insurance, etc)  


Previous volunteers have raised funds through yard sales, dinner fundraisers, bake sales, online classified ads of cleaning out stuff from their house, kids day camp, service auction, local business donations.  We can provide a sponsorship letter that you can give to local business clubs and service clubs that can help sponsor your trip.  We are 501(c)3 non profit Utah corporation so all donations are tax-deductible to the extent provided by law.  Keep in mind that all Expedition fees are due 2 weeks prior to your arrival in Ghana.

Some companies offer matching donations.  We are registered with Benevity.com.  Ask if your company is registered with Benevity for corporate matching.

Short answer:  Consult your tax advisor.

Long answer:  The fee paid to go on an Expedition is deductible as a charitable contribution following this IRS guidance:

Travel.  Generally, you can claim a charitable contribution deduction for travel expenses necessarily incurred while you are away from home performing services for a charitable organization only if there is no significant element of personal pleasure, recreation, or vacation in the travel.  This applies whether you pay the expenses directly or indirectly.  You are paying the expenses indirectly if you make a payment to the charitable organization and the organization pays for your travel expenses.

The deduction for travel expenses won't be denied simply because you enjoy providing services to the charitable organization.  Even if you enjoy the trip, you can take a charitable contribution deduction for your travel expenses if you are on duty in a genuine and substantial sense throughout the trip.  However, if you have only nominal duties, or if for significant parts of the trip, you don't have any duties, you can't deduct your travel expenses.

(Publication 526 page 6)
click on the above to read examples and for full details

We try to keep you involved in charitable work nearly every day, so the trip can be deductible, but again, consult your tax advisor for specific questions and situations.

Yes, you can make payments. Secure your spot with your $750 deposit (Payment #1), then make sure your balance is 50% paid 90 days before you fly, 75% paid 60 days before, and 100% paid 15 days before "wheels up."

You can also save $200 by paying your entire trip fee at once. 

All of these amounts will be set as reminders on your FMF login Expedition back-office.

Upcoming Expeditions

June 23 - July 7, 2024 - Kenya

Jerilyn Brown
Kenya trip with Jerilyn and Shirley

What we're missing...   is YOU!

Even small donations can go a long way.  All donations are fully tax-deductible.